Men's Accountability Checklist |
(Adapted from Charles R. Swindoll's Book "Rise and Shine")
- Have you spent daily time in prayer and in the Scriptures this week? If not, why not?
- Have you been with a woman this week in such a way that was inappropriate or could have looked to others that you were using poor judgment?
- Have you exposed yourself to any inappropriate material this week?
- Have you been completely above reproach in all your financial dealings this week?
- Have you been challenged with any addictions or distractions that are pulling you away from Jesus, such as TV, alcohol, substance abuse, food, gambling, work, the computer, ministry service, etc.?
- Have you glorified God in all you did this week? (Explain/confess any areas where you are conscious that you did not glorify God by what you thought, said or did). Have you glorified God in anything you did this week?
- Have you taken time off to be with your family this week?
- Have you just lied to us?
PDF version of Checklist
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