Men U Living a Transformed Life

Our goal at Men U is to help you experience a transformed life. Our passion is to see Jesus Christ—the hope of glory—formed in you through spiritual growth.

As our world—both Christian and secular—continues its free fall into moral decay, men are the foremost targets. Temptations abound from having office affairs and affairs within the church, to embezzling funds—within and outside of the church—to making ourselves lords of our own destinies; all while being consumed with self-gratification. The results are broken or destroyed relationships, compromised lives, people falling short of their potential, and an overall lack of godly character and fortitude to stand up for what is right and honoring to God. The world is trying to squeeze Christians into its mold—and doing a good job of it—while God wants to transform us into His Son's image so that we can experience His abundant life.

The hope of a better life awaits you. Your history does not need to dictate your destiny. Join us on a journey to a transformed life.

“The men’s discipleship movement is filled with awesome
leaders who God has used to build highly effective ministries.
We are honored to be partners with these leaders…
We Asked several of them to share some insights
into their ministry.”  <<read more>>
"I know of no other businessman who has had as much
impact as Dave on the spiritual lives of men."

Ray Johnston, Senior Pastor Bayside Church
"Cities are decaying morally at an alarming rate.
The solution to turn this tide is a transformed man.
How can men become this needed catlyst? Complete the
Men U: Advanced Courses for a Transformed Life.

Dr. Raleigh B. Washington,
President of Promise Keepers


Purchase Men U: Advanced Courses

"And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others."

2 Timothy 2:2

Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord,

Dave Wertheim
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1614 E Ludlow Dr
Phoenix, AZ 85022

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